“How can I prevent pneumonia after a cold?”
I am a 33 year old male. I want to know how can I prevent pneumonia after a cold?
2 Answers
Usually persons your age who are susceptible to a secondary bacterial pneumonia after a viral infection are those with compromised immunity - eg AIDS, autoimmune disorders, those on immunosuppressive medications, cancer on chemotherapy. Some people who have had a splenectomy, who smoke or have COPD should get the pneumococcal vaccine. I’m presuming you are a healthy 33 year old. You still should take care of your health in general eg eat a healthy balanced diet (adequate protein, plenty of fruits and vegetables), enough sleep, keep away from sick contacts/hospitals. Are there any specific immunity boosters? Well the vitamin C theory has been debunked I would still advise taking a supplement that contains iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D - latter 1000 IU daily. Hope this helps.
Really depends on your medical conditions. If you have a history of asthma, you need to control your asthma symptoms very early to avoid further complications. If your immune system is low, you need to reinforce it. If you don’t have any medical conditions and your immune system is good, just try to reinforce it with vitamins C, B, and D and cover yourself very well.
Really depends on your medical conditions. If you have a history of asthma, you need to control your asthma symptoms very early to avoid further complications. If your immune system is low, you need to reinforce it. If you don’t have any medical conditions and your immune system is good, just try to reinforce it with vitamins C, B, and D and cover yourself very well.