Dentist Questions Dentist

How can I speed up the healing of a dry socket?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know how can I speed up the healing of a dry socket?

8 Answers

With a visit to the dentist ASAP. There is a soothing material they put in the socket which sometimes will have to be replaced multiple times. The relief is almost always immediate.
Avoid rinsing area to remove newly formed blood clots and should heal 4-8 weeks.
Have your dentist apply a daily dressing of "dry socket paste".... Yep, that's the will help it heal.
There is no way to speed up the healing process
You can not speed it up by much unfortunately. Keep it clean and don't let food debries to pack in it. If it hurts you can go to your dentist and a special medication for dry socket can be placed in it by a dentist. This doesn't help it heal though, only soothes the pain for a while. It take time and only time for dry socket to heal.
The quickest way to heal a dry socket is to return to your surgeon. They will place a special medication in the socket that will reduce the pain, and speed the healing.
You need to see your dentist. The area needs a special dressing to heal.
Schedule an appointment with your dentist. You cannot treat dry socket at home