Dentist Questions Dentist

How can I speed up the progress of my braces?

I got my braces 2 months ago. It seems to be working slow. How can I speed up the progress of my braces?

10 Answers

Generally speaking, it should be no problem to use mouthwash one week after extraction unless your dentist advised you differently. It is best to use an appropriate mouth rinse twice daily. The only precaution would be if you had extractions with open sockets within 1 to 3 days of your surgery. Always consult with your dental practitioner if you have any concerns.
Propel orthodontics VPro
Up to the doctor every case is different

That is a great question for your orthodontist, but from my clinical experience, teeth take time to move through the bone. It does not happen fast and moving teeth too fast can be a bad thing and cause future problems. Hang in there and time will pass! Hope this helps!
I'm a prosthodontist & a surgeon. Orthodontics is not my specialty. But, I never recommend my patients to rush with braces. It can cause bone loss and your teeth roots will tend to dissolve. You should talk to your orthodontist.
Hope this helps.

With regards, thanks

Dr. Narkhede
Speak to your dentist. Speedy orthodontics can sometimes be dangerous orthodontics!
You need to speak with your orthodontist to see, but I doubt there will be any way to speed up your treatment.

Of course, everyone wants the movement to be fast.
Teeth move through the jaw bone by a process. Braces cause the tooth root to press against the bone on one side of the root socket, and pull away from the bone on the other side. Your body then removes bone on the side of the pressure, and adds bone to the side of the pull. As the bone is removed on one side, and added to the other side, the tooth moves. This takes time.

You can help your body in this process by giving it an ideal diet. Avoid junk food and give your bone the nutrition it needs.

While this process is taking place, make sure to keep your teeth very clean. We want your teeth to look great when the braces do come off. Plaque left on your teeth and frequent sugar stuff can leave unwanted stains that can be permanent around your braces. You may not see them now, but they will be very evident when the braces come off.

Do yourself a favor and study the sections about orthodontics and decay prevention in the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC.

You will be a much better-informed patient after reading the orthodontic chapter. It is the best source of information on these subjects. It also has the best detailed information about caring for your teeth while the braces are on. Take care of your teeth, eat well, inform yourself about orthodontics, and I am sure you will have a great result.
We are a general dentist and braces cannot be rushed as per my experience. You can discuss it with your orthodontist.
I would not recommend speeding up the progress of your braces. If you move teeth too quickly, it can cause permanent damage to the roots of the teeth. It is in fact the slow movement of teeth that allow braces to be a viable treatment option.