“How can I tell if I'm anemic?”
Do I need to go to the doctor? I feel as though my symptoms aren't bad enough yet... I feel a little weak and cold but nothing too crazy. What else could it be?
3 Answers
You will need a physical exam plus detailed history and lab work to know if you are anemic or not. Weakness, pallor, palpitations are few symptoms anemic patients can present with.
yes you need to go to your doctor describe your symptoms and he will determine by history exam and blood work what your symptoms are due to
Feeling weak and cold are symptoms that are not specific, they could indicate anemia but also other conditions such as a low functioning thyroid gland, undiagnosed diabetes, or chronic inflammation.
I would highly recommend you go see your primary care physician for a routine exam and bring up those symptoms. Pay attention to weight changes, changes in bowel habits, presence of blood in stools, changes in your nails or hair as well as usual cravings (like craving ice or starch, craving chocolate does not count), if you have any of them also bring home up to your doctors attention. Dr. Calvo
I would highly recommend you go see your primary care physician for a routine exam and bring up those symptoms. Pay attention to weight changes, changes in bowel habits, presence of blood in stools, changes in your nails or hair as well as usual cravings (like craving ice or starch, craving chocolate does not count), if you have any of them also bring home up to your doctors attention. Dr. Calvo