Cardiac Electrophysiologist Questions Cardiology

How can you treat heart palpitations?

I have heart palpitations. How can you treat heart palpitations?

4 Answers

Some palpitations are due to dehydration or low potassium. This is easily treated with gatoraide or and/or eating a bananna. Other palpitation may be a signal that somethingn is amiss with the electrical system of your heart. An iwatch is an easy way to see if you are in atrial fibrillation which may require medication to convert the heart rhythm back to normal. A persistent experience of palpiation should prompt you to see your doctor for an assessment
First, they must be diagnosed. That usually involves wearing a monitor for up to a month, depending on how often they occur unless you are lucky enough to have an EKG while you are having the palps.
First, we need to make a proper diagnosis of what type of heart palpitations. This may require 24 hours to several weeks of home cardiac monitoring. Once a diagnosis is made then a treatment plan can be discussed (ie. medications or sometimes ablation)
Heart palpitations can have numerous causes. I suggest seeing an electrophysiologist who then would give you a monitor to wear for 2-4 weeks after which you can have better understanding of which king of issue if any you have and then treat it.