Urologist Questions Urologist

How do I empty my bladder with an enlarged prostate?

I have an enlarged prostate. I have difficulties urinating. How can I make urinating easier?

3 Answers

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is common in male after 50 years-of-age. Practice “double voiding” which is urinating as much as possible, then relaxing, resting for few moments, and then starting again until you feel empty. Try to relax before voiding. Try sitting on the toilet instead of standing. Take time to urinate. Think in other things, it could help. See the Urologist check surgical options. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a procedure that is commonly done by the urologist. There are other procedure for BPH. Talk to them. Thank you.
Talk to your urologist. You may need to take medicine, put in a catheter, or have a procedure done, probably transurethral resection. The doctor will determine what is the best method for you.

RB Thomas, MD
Homeopathy is very effective for prostate enlargement. Read more here: https://www.philahomeopathy.com/enlarged-prostate/