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How do I know if it’s IBS or my kidneys?

I’ve been on antibiotics twice for what I was told was a UTI and neither worked. I’ve had a sharp pain in my abdomen, back, and sides along with other symptoms but after going to the doctor three times I was told that my system seems normal, it’s very unlikely that I have an infection, and that it’s probably just my irritable bowel syndrome causing me pain. But my issue is that I’ve had IBS since I was 11 years old and have never had back pain with it. I fear it’s my kidneys. Can they tell from a urine test or blood test if I have a kidney stone? They said my urine was clear with no bacteria and my blood is normal, so I’m assuming that means I likely don’t have a kidney stone. But if not, why do I have back pain? Does IBS cause back pain? How do I know if it’s IBS or my kidneys?

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: Almost a month
Medications: None that I take regularly
Conditions: IBS

3 Answers

Check your urine with your primary doctor.
In symptomatic urinary tract infection, urina analysis will be abnormal. Blood or urine test usually don’t tell about kidney stone, unless you have a “stone attack,” then urine analysis will show blood in the urine. Kidney ultrasound or CT kidney will tell you if you have kidney stones.

IBS would not be expected to cause back pain, so a thorough work up, exam should be done to make a diagnosis to explain the pain. A kidney stone should be detectable on a urine test along with imaging.