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How do I recover my elbow sprain after a sports injury?

I am a 19 year old male. I want to know how do I recover my elbow sprain after a sports injury?

4 Answers

Elbow sprains are very painful, and significant injuries. If truly sprained may need to get an MRI to determine severity of ligament damage that will likely not heal on its own. Physical therapy will be very important as well as bracing.
Like most injuries initial rest along with protected rehab. Almost never surgery.
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How long have you had this pain? Have you considered a physical therapy evaluation? It is advised that you first get a PT evaluation and go from there.


Dr. Ramky Kavaserry, DPT
Hopefully you have a trainer at your facility, who can help you through the process of recovery. If not, then seek a local PT for a consultation in reference to your individualized rehab program. Good Luck