Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

How do I treat poison oak/ivy?

Hi! I have poison oak/ivy on my hands and arms. Is clotrimazole 1% cream or Murirocin 2% good for this? I've just been using Calamine lotion for now.

Female | 54 years old
Complaint duration: 6 days
Medications: none - just vitamins
Conditions: none

2 Answers


Neither clotrimazole nor mupirocin work for poison ivy. Calamine lotion is certainly OK, as is hydrocortisone cream. If the poison ivy is getting worse, visit a local dermatologist or family doctor for prescription medications.

Stephen Schleicher, MD
Wash the area off as quickly as possible with soap and water after being exposed. If possible see a dermatologist immediately for Prescription treatment. If not possible cold packs and OVER THE COUNTER hydrocortisone might help.
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