Naturopathic Physician Questions Rashes

How do I treat rashes on my legs naturally?

I have strange rashes on my legs that have little red dots. They itch often. What should I do to treat them?

4 Answers

It definitely makes a difference as what is causing the rash.
Hi, unfortunately I cannot answer your question here. This is a medical question that would require me to have much more information and a physical exam of your rash to provide a recommendation. I highly suggest you go to see a doctor when you actively have the rash so they can determine what it is and what’s causing it. Best wishes for you!
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Rashes are typically due to a deeper, internal problem, so it would be best to have a thorough workup by a naturopathic or functional medicine doctor to identify and treat the cause. With that being said, you could start by cutting all the inflammatory foods out of your diet: junk food, fast food, processed food, refined sugars, and begin to eat mostly organic, whole foods. Limit your fluid intake to pure water, green tea, and herbal teas. Avoid any food to which you know you react adversely. If you are allergic to cats, stay away from them. If you are allergic to dust mites, keep your house well-dusted on a regular basis. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water (a 140# person would need to drink 70 ounces of water). Sometimes, after the first visit, before we have test results back, patients will notice that their symptoms improve just by cleaning up the diet and drinking more water. This lessens the stress on the liver, and since liver congestion is often present when people develop rashes, the rashes may improve with just a cleaner environment and cleaner diet. Best wishes for vibrant health.
Need to visit your MD. Check liver functions. Aloe and Manuka Honey until you see your MD. Red dots can be insect bites.