Neurologist Questions Neurologist

How do I treat this tingling pain?

I've had a swollen painful knee problem on and off for a while on my left side. Recently I'm getting a weird feels like something attacking my left side above the hip into like a diagonal line of pain left shoulder is sore n now my left hand fingers tingle with pain. What could this be and can it all be connected?

Female | 48 years old
Complaint duration: 07012021
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

Not enough info.The leg issue's likely independent.The hand tingling most likely is carpal tunnel syndrome.
The following are my thoughts, and sometimes my tips and suggestions in response to your inquiry:

Thanks for sharing. I am sorry to read about this tingling. When does it come on? How long does it last? When I think of tingling I think of nerve-related irritation, and less common would be a vascular issue (blood flow). Since it is reported to involve the upper and lower extremities, I lean more towards a nerve irritation. The neck is the pathway from the brain to the upper and lower extremities, and the nerves are like electrical wires that transmit feelings and coordinate actions in the musculoskeletal (MSK) system. Then, there is a vast meshwork of soft tissue in the body called fascia. It essentially covers muscles and joints, and helps with coordination, communication and overall function of the MSK system. From what you wrote, perhaps the nerves around the neck and/or lower back are irritated. I would recommend gentle yet complete range of motion exercises and see how the numbness/tingling responds over the next 1-2 weeks. If it resolves or lessens, then give it some more time. If it worsens, then seek consultation with a nerve doctor (neurologist) or your primary care doctor.

David T. Neuman, MD FAAOS
For your knee, you may have a little arthritis. The tingling in your hands could be carpal tunnel syndrome or it could be a pinched nerve in your neck. You could try a wrist brace from any store to keep your wrist still at night. This will help carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain in your hip may be hip bursitis or maybe some lower back arthritis. Try taking Advil 600mg 3 times a day for 2 weeks. If it doesn't get better, then you need to see an Orthopedic Surgeon to sort all of this out.
Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
Likely not connected; sounds like you may have something going on with your neck.