“How do chiropractors know where to adjust?”
I am a 27 year old female. I wonder how do chiropractors know where to adjust?
5 Answers
Chiropractors during their years of study spend extensive hours studying and perfecting the techniques that help them identify subluxations, among them are the palpation examination that helps us identify subluxations and in what direction the vertebral is located, radiographs are another method of analysis that It allows us to know and understand what is happening in order to make a specific adjustment in the correct area and vertebra, we also analyze muscle tone and movement restrictions, among others.
Chiropractors know what spinal segments to adjust by using both static and motion palpation as well as X-rays. Palpation is when the physician touches the area and applies slight pressure to access tissue tension and intersegmental motion of the vertebral joints. joints that need to be adjusted will have a change in motion of that segment and often some muscular tension around that joint as well.