Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you clean under dental implants?

I have 2 dental implants and sometimes food gets under them. How do you clean under dental implants?

3 Answers

Routinely dental implants show be cleaned by a dental hygienist or dentist every three months after their placement. Your dentist or dental hygienist should show you at that appointment how to routinely clean them. There are many different types of implant systems that require cleaning in a different manors.
If they are crowns, a nylon floss threader works well. A Water pick will also be helpful. If an implant is lost, it is often from gum disease. The cleaner you keep them, the longer they will last .

Drew Shulman, DMD, MAGD
Use a water pik, floss or floss on a floss threader, small, spiral toothbrush similar to a pipe cleaner.