“How do you cure sensitive teeth?”
I have sensitive teeth and want to treat them. How do you cure sensitive teeth?
5 Answers
Act fluoride mouthwash gives a longer permanent effect over desensitization toothpaste in my opinion.
Causes: cavities or clenching/grinding teeth or receding gums. See your Dentist find the cause in your case. In the meantime, try using a “desensitization toothpaste” like “Sensodyne “ for a few weeks. That helped me.
Sensitivity of the teeth might come from a different sources. Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Most common sources are cavities, periodontal disease and gum recession.
Tooth sensitivity has many causes such as diet, crowding, enamel defects, thin enamel, gum recession, etc. The best way to treat it is to address it with your dentist. Your dentist can perform effective treatments or prescribe some effective products. There are some over-the-counter products you can use but may take a couple of weeks to take an effect. Pro enamel, Sensodyne/ Colgate sensitive/ Ultra EZ/ Soothe are among the ones that you can find in most drugstores.