“How do you get a flat stomach after liposuction?”
I am a 34 year old female. I want to know how do you get a flat stomach after liposuction?
4 Answers
If the issue is just fat, after liposuction, lymphatic massage is very helpful. If the issue is muscles, then crunches and cross crunches are helpful. If there is a separation of the muscles, then you may benefit by surgery to sew the muscles back together.
Roger Friedman, MD
Roger Friedman, MD
Well-performed liposuction only contours areas of the body that have abnormally disproportionate amounts of fat. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight. If you are comfortable where you are weight-wise, liposuction can remove excess localized belly fat, but of itself it will not give you a flat stomach.
Dr. M
Dr. M