Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How do you give a 3 week old a bath?

My baby is 3 weeks old. How do you give a 3 week old a bath?

3 Answers

Neonates and young infants don't really need "tub baths" as they're not doing anything to get them dirty!! Just keeping their "creases" clean -- under the neck, armpits and groins, is really all that's needed. However, bathing is a cultural and emotional experience for the parents, so it's done frequently. Try not to bathe your infant more than 1-2 times weekly, as the water can wash away the healthy skin oils and then you'll be asking about treatments for dry skin! Avoid all soaps, but especially the commercial ones -- even Johnson & Johnson, as they can be harsh and irritating. The water should be just warmer than body temperature. Put your elbow into the bath if you're planning to place your baby in the bathwater to test it. If you have a commercial baby bathtub, use it, although NEVER EVER leave the baby even for a SECOND!!! Accidents happen all too quickly. If you choose to hold your baby to bathe him/her, place him on your outstretched forearm that's crooked just a bit at the elbow, with his head cradled in your hand, your thumb and little finger around the back of his neck under his ears. Legs straddle your arm. This is a secure position to hold your infant and you comfortably can wash him/her in a sponge-bath fashion. Be sure the room is very warm and you have a towel immediately ready, because infants lose heat quickly to their environments, which can be very stressful. If you wash his/her hair, be gentle and avoid soaps on the face, even if they're "tear-free."

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
If the baby’s umbilical cord has gm fallen off, you can give the baby a bath instead of a sponge bath. Wet babies are wiggly, so there are many things made to help. I used to use a sponge in the shape of a baby lining the baby bath to prevent the baby from slipping. You could also use a towel. Some people bathe the baby in a sink. If you do, it is helpful to have a faucet that you can turn out of the way. One parent can sit in the bathtub and bathe the baby in the bath water and then hold the baby out to another parent to dry and dress. Some parents take the baby into the shower with them — this always made me nervous to think about. You can choose the option that sounds best for you. Most parents feel uncomfortable at first, but this should improve with time.

You can give a bath in the sink with lukewarm water.