Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

How do you handle an anxiety attack?

I am a 15 year old female. I want to know how do you handle an anxiety attack?

4 Answers

Anxiety attacks usually abate after 15 minutes. There are things you can do to get the attacks under control. Look up “anxiety treatments not requiring medication “ on line.
Breath slowly and deeply. Exhale in the same pattern (slowly and completely). Do this for al least 3 minutes
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Breathe into a brown paper bag and try to slow down your breathing
It really depends on the severity of the attack and also on the counseling/training you have had. There are many good techniques you can learn to help yourself work through an anxiety attack. First have your parents let you see your doctor to be sure there are no treatable medical problems that may be causing or contributing to your symptoms such as hyperthyroidism. If not, your doctor can assess the severity of your symptoms and decide whether medications, counseling or relaxations techniques or a combination of these are best for you. Of course if you need us, we are here in the emergency department to help at any time! Wishing you well!