Geriatric Psychiatrist Questions Geriatric Psychiatrist

How do you help seniors who are nearing death?

I am a 43 year old female. I want to know how do you help seniors who are nearing death?

2 Answers

If the person is cognitively intact and able to express themselves verbally, they will be able to identify many of the ways in which you can help. If cognitively impaired, often behavioral cues can suggest pain, fear, physical discomfort (constipation, dry mouth, dry eyes, difficulty clearing phlegm or mucus, etc.). Towards the very end of life, hospice involvement can be quite helpful with these physical symptoms as well as psychological symptoms such as worry, fear, sadness, etc. Clergy may often be involved during this phase as well, not only for the dying individual but also their families.
Help them verbalize their fear, anxiety about the inevitable. Help verbalize any guilt, conflicts in existing relationship. Facilitate family, friends, religious visits. Use religious limb in religious patients in preparation for the inevitable. Have the patient review the living will. Make it like a farewell before a planned trip.
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