“How do you relieve hip flexor pain?”
I have hip flexor pain. How do you relieve hip flexor pain?
6 Answers
Evaluate musculoskeletal, metabolic and possible autoimmune components 90-95% of the time it is primarily musculoskeletal and can be treated With Osteopathic Manual treatment and home exercises.
The best non-surgical means to address the hip flexor is through a focused stretching program aimed at the iliopsoas muscle (both sides) and also lumbar spine flexibility. This should be coupled with a gentle strengthening program for the hip and core muscles. If you are able to take NSAIDs (eg ibuprofen) without issues with heart, kidneys or GI system, then a short course of these medications available over the counter can also help with acute pain. If pain continues or is associated with radiation down the limb or pain in the groin area, then an evaluation by an orthopaedic physician should be considered.
Hip flexor pain involves trying to identify the source of the pain - either from within the joint or from outside the joint. Approaches are different depending on where it originates. Utilizing a good history, exam, and in-office Ultrasound right at the appointment, can help determine such. Treatment may involve directed stretches, bursa or hip injection, a strap or compression wrap or sleeve, or even activity modification. See www.AplusAthlete.com for more information or for an in-person or remote appointment. - Adam Redlich, M.D. Adam Redlich, M.D. A+ Athlete - Sports Medicine, LLC 38A Robbinsville-Allentown Rd. Robbinsville, NJ 08691 ph: (609) 223-2286 fax: (609) 223-2288 www.AplusAthlete.com<http://www.aplusathlete.com/> Life's a sport . . . Bring your A+ Game!!!
Need clear diagnosis. Make sure osteitis pubis (common in soccer players) is not part of the problem. Pain control and physical therapy are key to treatment. A Counter Force Thigh Compression Strap (Medical Sports.com). Arlington Virginia 22205 may supply helpful support with athletic activity.