“How do you relieve pain in the bottom of your foot?”
I have pain in the bottom of my foot. What could be the cause? What are the treatment options?
6 Answers
Assuming there is no trauma/fracture (ruled out by Xray) If it occurs with the first steps out of bed -likely plantar fasciitis. If worsening towards the middle and end of the day - tarsal tunnel. If DMII, HIV, chemo -could be neuropathy -Try Lyrica/Cymbalta. Of course, best if you see a doctor. IT IS COMPLICATED!
There are a whole host of things that could be causing pain on the bottom of your foot. Without a history of injury, the most likely cause is plantar fasciitis. This is likely due to wearing poorly supportive shoes and having no stable insole or custom orthotic in the shoe. Shoes today they are very popular such as Vans, Converse, Sketchers, Adidas, Nike and a number of other shoes really do not provide any structural support in the shoe. Even the best shoes do not have another structural support in them, however if you start out with a good stable shoe, you have a much better chance of avoiding foot pain or problems long-term such as arthritis. Poorly supportive shoe gear just move everywhere and its essentially going barefoot. I would recommend you seeing a local podiatrist to have them evaluate your condition to get you back to functioning as fast as possible. There are stretching exercises that can also be helpful for plantar fasciitis if that is indeed what you have. Good luck.
Bottom of the foot pain is usually a symptom of plantar fasciitis, flat feet, ligament damage, tendonitis, joint issues. to get to the root cause, you really need to see it in an office. therefore I recommend that you be seen in a local podiatrist's office. treatments can be invasive or noninvasive depending on the root cause, such as orthotics, EPAT, injections, physical therapy, pills, procedures. etc...
Pain can have multiple causes. I recommend you discuss your specific case with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for diagnosis and treatment options
There are many reasons for pain at the bottom of the foot. These might include tendinitis, nerve related pain, joint pain, plantar fasciitis, muscular pain, pain from improper function and biomechanics, and other reasons. Treatment options depend on the pathology. It is in your best interest to have the problem evaluated by a specialist, and then your diagnosis will lead to the appropriate treatment.