Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

β€œHow do you sleep after a knee replacement?”

I am a 45 year old male. I want to know how can I sleep after a knee replacement?

4 Answers

First of all, you're too young to be having a knee replacement. Has the surgeon told you what to expect as far as longevity with a prosthetic knee? There must be some special circumstances as to why you are having a TKR. Believe me, there are way more important issues than how to properly sleep after your TKR surgery! Like, how long will my artificial knee last? Can I get an infection in my new knee if I have a skin infection, or say a bad tooth that has to be removed because of an abscess, or what about getting a blood clot in a leg vein after the surgery? What is your BMI (wgt and height/obesity number)? What are your other medical conditions? Do you have unstable diabetes? Are you on any immunosuppresive drugs? Are you a smoker? These are all things that can disrupt a TKR surgery or lead to a bad outcome. Total Knee Replacement surgery is a last resort procedure.
What sort of conservative treatment have you had?
You can sleep any way you want, in a bed or a reclining chair. There are no restrictions. Your doctor might ask that you wear a brace for a week or two.
Hope it helps!

Dr. Bose
Immediately afterwards for a few days you will have difficulty sleeping secondary to knee pain. Your physician can prescribe a medication such as Ambien for a few days. Postion yourself in the most comfortable position. Usually it is best to elevate the operated leg on pillows but you can roll to your sides as needed.
The most important thing prior to your replacement is what is called β€œPre habilitation β€œ. You want to get all the stiffness you can to go away, if possible, prior to surgery. If you have a knee that is not terribly stiff you can sleep however you want. Some doctor do not like a pillow under the knee as it can contribute to stiffness. I never found this an issue with my patients. You can sleep in a normal bed or recliner. Most patients sleep on side or back until incision has healed. Generally you can sleep without worrying about hurting the knee. Just be careful when you get up not to fall. I suggest you discuss this with your surgeon. Good luck.