Dentist Questions Dentist

How do you treat a loose tooth?

My tooth is loose after biting down on candy. How do you treat a loose tooth?

3 Answers

Loose tooth is an indication of gum disease or a fractures tooth due to heavy forces or trauma. One must see their dentist to evaluate the situation and treating the tooth in addition to preventing further damage.
Hope that helps.

With gratitude,

Sheena Bhatia, DDS
Unfortunately, there are so many possibilities here that I cannot tell you to do anything but stay away from the area, and if things do not tighten up, seeing your dentist would be a good idea.


It depends on how loose the tooth is. Does it move back and forth within 1-3mm? This can be associated with normal physiological movement. If more than 3mm, will need to be added if tooth is salvageable, as bone loss will be associated and possibly a splint may work. Very difficult to advise and would suggest you visit your dentist.
Hope this helps.