Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How does acupuncture help obesity?

I have obesity and want to fix it. How does acupuncture help obesity?

10 Answers

Help the body be one in balance
Acupuncture may help some people with obesity due to the effects of balancing hormones, digestion, and the nervous system. The acupuncturist will diagnose and treat any functional imbalances the patient has which may be contributing to obesity. Acupuncturists always try to find the root cause of a patient's symptoms in order to address both the source of the problem and the symptoms. Many acupuncturists, myself included, also offer dietary therapy and herbal medicine options to support treatment. I hope that helps! Cindy Laprocina, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.
Acupuncture with herbs, and sometimes massage, along with a healthy diet can help with obesity. These all work in combination together.
acupuncture, herbs and lifestyle/nutrition counseling can help with weight loss. I encourage you to book a session with your preferred practitioner ASAP
It can improve your metabolism, help with appetite control, emotional support.
Good luck
Dr. Leila
There are points that help curb appetite and make your metabolism work at an optimal rate. But it will not make you lose weight over night you have to be willing to work on diet and exercise as well
Acupuncture helps to improve the functioning of the organs and the healthy circulation of body fluids, thereby promoting detoxification and weight loss. It also improves mood and outlook so stress-eating improves as well.
There are some points in the ear that can help with over eating, but mostly you'll need to work with your acupuncturist to get some dietary suggestions, and perhaps some herbs to help you on your journey. It will need to be a lifestyle change, something you can continue for the rest of your life.
Acupuncture will drain excess fat.
Acupuncture has been shown to help manage cravings, blood sugar, and insulin levels. That being said, acupuncture isn't going to overcome poor food choices. Patients hate to hear this, but most weight loss happens in the kitchen. My suggestion would be to couple acupuncture with a dietician and, possibly, a therapist.