“How is dental calculus removed?”
I am a 42 year old female. I want to know how is dental calculus removed?
10 Answers
Dr. Barry Cunha
The only way to remove calculus is through a thorough cleaning and/or a procedure called root planing and scaling. Because it is so tenacious you can not remove it with just toothbrushing. think of barnacles on a boat as a good analogy and how you need to scale the barnacles than plane the surface smooth as a final procedure
If it is above the gums, with sharp instruments, ultrasonic equipment. If it's beneath the gingiva, you will need to be numb and have a deep cleaning or scaling and root planning.
If it is above the gums, with sharp instruments, ultrasonic equipment. If it's beneath the gingiva, you will need to be numb and have a deep cleaning or scaling and root planning.
Dental calculus is the hardened, mineralized form of plaque. Its kind of like barnacles on your teeth, like barnacles it needs to be scraped off by the hygienist. If it is severe enough with periodontal disease, you would usually need to use local anesthesia (novocain) to enable the hygienist to remove the calculus under the gum.
It is best if it never starts, with good brushing and flossing. Once present, your dentist or hygienist has to remove it.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Using special instruments at the dental clinic. Regular tooth brushing will not remove calculus once it has formed on the teeth.
Only way calculus can be removed is mechanical, means your dentist needs to use some sort of instrument and use force to remove it. Instruments can be either hand or ultrasonic powered.
Dental calculus, or tartar, is a hard buildup of minerals and bacterial plaque in the oral cavity. Calculus must be removed manually by dental professionals using metal or ultrasonic instruments. The procedures in which the calculus will be removed are called a prophy (cleaning) or a Scaling and root planing (deep cleaning).