Orthopedist Questions Sciatica

How is sciatica pain diagnosed?

I am having a lot of pain around my hips, but I don't know what to do since it doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere on my body that is external. How is sciatica pain diagnosed by doctors?

8 Answers

Sciatica is diagnosed by physical examination of the patient and MRI of the lumbar spine.

Hope it helps!

This type of pain is diagnosed with a combination of history, physical exam, and images (X-rays, MRI, etc.).
The best way to diagnose any sciatic problems would be through a clinical examination done by your Primary Care Physician or Orthopaedic Doctor. An MRI may be necessary for an accurate diagnosis.
Sciatica is the term used for compression of the sciatic nerve. This is a very specific diagnosis. Doctors will use the physical exam as the primary source of information for diagnosing "sciatica". The sciatic nerve, when compressed, gives pain in the specific distribution of the nerve. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg to the toes, it does not stop at the hip and if compressed is more likely to be compressed on one side only.
Sciatic pain is a somewhat generalized term for posterior thigh pain. True sciatic pain comes from irritation of the sciatic nerve which is a large nerve that runs down the back of your leg. It is made up of several nerves coming from the spine. Frequently an MRI of the lumbar spine will be done to see if there is nerve pinching there to cause the irritation.
Thorough physical exam and history by a doctor.
Hip pain is rarely a symptom of sciatica. It is more likely from arthritis or bursitis. A trial of OTC anti-inflammatory medication (Ibruprofen/Naproxyn or aspirin may be helpful. An examination and xray by an Orthopaedic surgeon should be considered if the pain persists.
By physical examination diagnosis