Psychologist Questions Depression

How is the recovery from depression?

I have been suffering from depression after my husband's death. For my child, I have agreed to undergo a treatment under a psychiatrist but I am worried. What can I expect from the recovery process?

9 Answers

You can expect to get some relief by seeing a professional. Medications, grief therapy can help you manage your feelings and provide support at this very difficult time in your life. Isolating yourself contributes to more depression. There are support groups and grief groups in most cities.
It is important that you find a provider who you connect with and is a good collaborator for you. Psychotherapy can be both rewarding and challenging, it is important that you let the provider know the speed at which you are ready to address various difficulties. Processing the loss of a loved one is never easy and finding a caring and compassionate therapist will be a source of great support.
Recovery from working with a psychiatrist is different than recovery working with a psychologist who specializes in depression. Psychiatrists, usually prescribe medication. Few don't. Few even spend time talking.
If you work with a good psychologist, you will work on your depression and its causes without medication (although some psychologists have begun getting certified to give medication too). I would pick only someone who specializes in depression.
If you were my patient, there would be a few things I would have to clear up. First, if you lost your true love, you should grieve. Maybe you should grieve for a year. If you want to cut it shorter, grieve more often. Cry and cry some more. Many of us have families who don't believe in crying as the way to heal. Many are in a hurry for the crying to end. Those messages can cause depression. If you are bottled up, taking the cap off will help you/her grieve.
If this is about not having said everything she needed to say, then she should think of ways to talk to him especially about all the things unsaid. Have another funeral, a private one, just her/you and him and cry some more. Then, go to a movie or a concert or volunteer for something.
If that doesn't help her get back into life, then she has "complicated bereavement", which usually is the result of unacknowledged disagreements OR early childhood abandonment issues. THEN, in my opinion, you go to therapy.
Depression related to bereavement, following the death of a loved one is very common. What to expect depends on the doctor’s evaluation of the symptoms you have been experiencing. Depending on your symptoms, he or she might prescribe anti-depressant medication to help relieve your discomfort, sessions with a therapist to help process and recover from your symptoms-or both. Research has shown that a combination is often most effective. But remember, you are in the driver’s seat. You can try both or one or the other. It is important to feel a good rapport with the doctor. It is not uncommon to consult with 2 or even 3 drs, unless you take an immediate liking to the first one. You should discuss treatment goals and expected length of treatment. Also, Google bereavement support groups - many of my people find the group format more congenial - it offer social support which is a known buffer against depression. Appropriate treatment can help you return to acceptance of the loss and restore your mental health.
After counseling or maybe taking medication, it probably takes at least 2 weeks.
These are important questions during your first appointment. I would make a list and the doctor can explain their process. I would suggest you also find a counselor that can help also.

Dr. G
It is complicated. May take trials of many medications before one or two are successful. Combined with therapy, depression may then remit. Group therapy may also be part of the process. It is tough, but you are not the first nor the last.
It really depends on the therapist and a psychiatrist is more app to give out medication than therapy. You might need to see a therapist.
You might consider team tagging your therapy with a psychologist who is experienced in dealing with grief. You should expect over time that you sense a feeling of improvement (decease in sadness) and an ability to handle the grief. You will never forget nor should you - think of all the positives that you had with him - keep them in the forefront.