Dentist Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

How long after the bone graft can I eat normally?

I will have a bone graft. How long after the bone graft can I eat normally?

3 Answers

Every patient is different. In general for a single tooth, most patients are comfortable eating soft foods for the 1st few days. You can slowly progress to regular foods typically with 1-2 weeks. The period may be longer for multiple teeth and / or difficult extractions.

As always these are general guidelines and we do recommend speaking with your doctor regarding your particular situation.

Dr. Prakhar Mehrotra
Ridge Oral Surgery & Dental Implants
It takes from 4 to 10 days after the first tissue closer, we recommend soft food and a cold drink to reduce the post-operative complication.
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You should avoid eating in the specific area of bone grafting for the first month, but can eat soft foods such as mashed potatoes and steam veggies after the first month. Typically dense foods such can be eaten in the area after approximately 2-3 months.