Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

How long after tooth extraction can a bridge be fitted?

I had a tooth extraction 2 weeks ago. How long after tooth extraction can a bridge be fitted?

5 Answers

Answers can vary depending on the type of extraction and where it is located. Since it has been 2 weeks for your extraction, I would wait for the socket to close. If you can wait 4 more weeks it would be better. Best,
Thirty days at minimum for me, but ideally 2-3 months. Give the bone and gums a chance to heal/remodel in order to get a properly fitted bridge to the extraction site.and adjacent teeth.
As long as the area is healed, you can often be fitted for a bridge in 2-3 weeks following an extraction. If you heal a little slower or need the gums to remodel for a better overall outcome, sometimes your dentist will recommend waiting a little longer.
At least 6weeks.
2 month's