“How long are you sore after rectal surgery?”
I am having rectal surgery soon and will be getting ointment. How long are you sore after rectal surgery?
1 Answer
This question is difficult to answer without additional information. What kind of “rectal” surgery? What is the ointment? Many factors contribute to the length of discomfort after a proctologic procedure. The duration can be a couple of days to four to six weeks depending on the condition and co-morbid factors. Simple steps help decrease pain and maybe shorten the healing period. Keep the area clean (showers are best) and dry. Ointments can smother the tissues and prevent healing. Avoid powders. Dry the area with a blow dryer set to low (don’t cook the skin). Witch hazel can damage the skin because of the alcohol. And, I am not a fan of the “sitz” bath because is an keep the area wet and cause maceration of the skin. If sitz are used, do not soak for an excessively long time and then carefully dry the area by patting with clean gauze or towel and finishing with a gentle blow with a hair dryer on low. Maintaining bowel regularity is important by avoid both constipation and diarrhea. And old-school recommendation is mineral oil – don’t do it!