Surgeon Questions surgeon

How long can one live without getting inguinal hernia surgery?

My friend is a 43 y/o male with a double inguinal hernia, he was consulted a year ago and needs surgery. He is wondering about his risks for heart attack post-surgery and wants to know how much time he has before he dies without surgery? He currently is having heart palpitations and a high amount of pain with walking daily. He wants to know how long he can live without surgery.

Male | 43 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year
Medications: none
Conditions: Double inguinal hernia

2 Answers

Consult Cardiology for his risk, requires EKG, echocardiogram with nuclear medicine and stress test.
If he has no heart history, the risk of having a cardiac complication is extremely low. A hernia repair is relatively common and well tolerated operation. Hernias typically will get larger and more painful over time. If he already has symptoms, I would recommend not waiting too long to fix it.