Plastic Surgeon Questions

How long do I have to sleep on my back after breast augmentation surgery?

I will have a breast augmentation. How long do I have to sleep on my back after breast augmentation?

2 Answers

Great question! Every plastic surgeon is going to give a different response, but this is my approach: Regarding physical restrictions, I am quite strict and do not like my patients overdoing it with their arms for at least four (4) weeks, often six (6) weeks for those having implants for breast cancer reconstruction purposes. I have seen far too many complications in training and some in practice where patients were non-compliant (not following) postoperative instructions when it comes to physical activity. Regarding sleeping, you definitely should NOT be sleeping prone-on your abdomen-as the pressure risks ripping open your incision and having the implants "pop out" (or extrude) and causing distortion to the shape of your augmented breasts. I like having my patients sleep flat on their backs (supine) for at least the first two (2) weeks' postop, before allowing them to gradually transition to side sleeping. When giving the green light to side sleep, I do not allow my patients to completely turn on their sides in bed. I generally advise them to be partially on their side and bracing their back with pillows or a foam wedge. The reason I worry about completely side sleeping is that the breast that is down (closest to the bed) can get swollen due to retained fluid (edema) settling with gravity, which will only prolong the recovery and healing. I also counsel patients to alternate sides when transitioning to side sleeping, so that one breast does not get unduly swollen compared to the other. [I give the analogy of having to turn one's baby in the crib to avoid the baby's head getting a flattened shape on one side.] If side sleeping is successful as described above, then I start to liberalize the restrictions and let my patients start to sleep the way they want. HOWEVER, regarding sleeping prone (on one's tummy), I-as a plastic surgeon-feel WAY better if my patients refrain from doing so for at least three (3) months (that is, 12 weeks' postop). Again, doing so prematurely can put excess pressure on the augmented breasts, flatten the rounded shape that was carefully established during surgery, and even push the implants down toward the breast incision, risking bottoming out, or worse, straight up implant exposure, which would be an emergency, requiring further surgery to swap out the implants and re-close the wound. It's YOUR money and YOUR investment in your body! Use common sense, listen to your Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, and follow his or her instructions to a tee. Don't let your desire to get the most comfortable sleep possible soon after surgery ruin your results, as opposed to a few weeks of less ideal sleep, but in a position that's much safer for your breast augmentation recovery. Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, & Oculoplastic Surgery Patel Plastic Surgery, LLC 1519 Johnson Ferry Road Suite 250 East Cobb, GA 30062 Office 470-395-6932 Fax 470-395-6951
I find that my patients are more comfortable on their back for approximately 2 weeks and then when they go on their side it is with a flat feather pillow to cushion them. Roger Friedman, MD