Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How long does it take to adjust to contact lenses?

I wear contact lenses for 3 days. I want to know how long does it take to adjust to contact lenses?

4 Answers

Great Question! If you're new to contacts, it can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks of wear time for 3-4 hours per day to become comfortable wearing, inserting and removing the lenses on a daily basis. This should be done with clean, washed hands, in a quiet, calm environment, free of distractions until you are more familiar with how to insert and remove on the go. Once you are a professional, you can quickly wash and go with those lenses, case in hand and take a kit with you on vacation, to the office, gym, or quick change for a night on the town from glasses to contacts at a moment's notice. Always have a pair of prescription eyewear as a back up in case you lose a lens, scratch your eye, or on the off chance you get an infection, or you tear a lens which though rare, can happen with soft contacts. With hard lenses, they wont tear, but they can chip and it's never safe to wear a chipped lens, it can cause cuts, scrape the corne, or scratch the surface of the eye or eye lid.
1 week for soft contacts 3 weeks for gas permeable or hard contacts
This depends. For soft contact lenses:

If you are a new contact lens wearer, you will first need to learn how to insert, remove and care for the contacts. This is a challenging skill, and most people can take a week to get proficient with it! Until then, some mild discomfort, redness, irritation, tearing, and foreign body sensation can be felt - since you are holding your eyes open for lengths if time, while trying to insert plastic into your eye.

If you are a contact lens wearer and have a prescription change, this also depends. Contacts with astigmatism can take a little longer to adapt to than contacts without astigmatism.

If you are trying monovision or multifocal contacts for the first time, this will take even longer to adapt.

And then finally, it just depends on the person! Some people can adapt to multifocal contacts within seconds. Some people can take 2 weeks to adapt to even a straightforward prescription.

If you feel like you are having trouble adjusting, just call your doctor and let them know!
It varies from person to person