“How long does neck liposuction last?”
I am a 45 year old female. I want to know how long does neck liposuction last?
5 Answers
I believe when fatty tissue is removed it is permanent. I have seen patients 20 years after neck liposuction who maintain the same level of adipose tissue. The skin might be a little laxer though. If no significant weight gain, removal is permanent. If weight gain is significant, the adipose tissue of the neck can increase in size.
Great question.
The dependent factors are the quality of your skin and weight changes. Both will affect your ultimate result.
Roger Friedman, MD
The dependent factors are the quality of your skin and weight changes. Both will affect your ultimate result.
Roger Friedman, MD
With the assumption that you do not experience significant weight gain or loss post-surgery, liposuction - whether done on the face, breast, body, or extremities - should last forever. Folks that do not realize this, however, end up unhappy with their liposuction investment when they do not "do their homework" to maintain their results.
Liposuction is also called suction lipectomy, which is a fancy way of saying "removal of fat using suction." While liposuction involves permanent fat removal, the remaining fat could in theory hypertrophy (grow) if you are not careful with diet and exercise to maintain your postoperative result.
Liposuction is no substitute for traditional ways of losing weight. Diet and exercise are the best ways to optimize or maintain your 'lipocontoured' outcome.
Early recovery tips that help reduce swelling and puffiness quicker include:
(1) adhering to a low salt diet (salt loves water, which is what inflammatory fluid called 'edema' is, causing postoperative swelling);
(2) taking Arnica and/or Bromelain, homeopathic medications that are proven to hasten recovery of bruising and swelling - these are best taken anywhere from 2-4 days BEFORE surgery, and finishing the course through the early postop recovery;
(3) use of a compression garment (which for the neck involves an elastic neck garment - a chin strap); and
(4) staying on a lean protein, low or no carb diet (i.e., high protein for healing; minimizing excess carbs...so that the remaining fat that's there does not compensate for the surgical loss of fat and start growing!!).
There are limits to liposuction, and your plastic surgeon needs to leave a healthy layer of fat behind to keep the skin's blood flow intact. Overaggressive liposuction can lead to excessive bruising, swelling, or - worst-case scenario - death (called 'necrosis') of the skin. I have personally seen 'botched' results from other surgeons who were not careful and were overzealous with their liposuctioning, causing patches of dead skin that can lead to weeks (or months) of wound care to finally heal.
Seek out and talk to a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to have an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss your liposuction or neck contouring goals!
Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
Liposuction is also called suction lipectomy, which is a fancy way of saying "removal of fat using suction." While liposuction involves permanent fat removal, the remaining fat could in theory hypertrophy (grow) if you are not careful with diet and exercise to maintain your postoperative result.
Liposuction is no substitute for traditional ways of losing weight. Diet and exercise are the best ways to optimize or maintain your 'lipocontoured' outcome.
Early recovery tips that help reduce swelling and puffiness quicker include:
(1) adhering to a low salt diet (salt loves water, which is what inflammatory fluid called 'edema' is, causing postoperative swelling);
(2) taking Arnica and/or Bromelain, homeopathic medications that are proven to hasten recovery of bruising and swelling - these are best taken anywhere from 2-4 days BEFORE surgery, and finishing the course through the early postop recovery;
(3) use of a compression garment (which for the neck involves an elastic neck garment - a chin strap); and
(4) staying on a lean protein, low or no carb diet (i.e., high protein for healing; minimizing excess carbs...so that the remaining fat that's there does not compensate for the surgical loss of fat and start growing!!).
There are limits to liposuction, and your plastic surgeon needs to leave a healthy layer of fat behind to keep the skin's blood flow intact. Overaggressive liposuction can lead to excessive bruising, swelling, or - worst-case scenario - death (called 'necrosis') of the skin. I have personally seen 'botched' results from other surgeons who were not careful and were overzealous with their liposuctioning, causing patches of dead skin that can lead to weeks (or months) of wound care to finally heal.
Seek out and talk to a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to have an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss your liposuction or neck contouring goals!
Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
In areas where liposuction has already been performed, you should not need it done again, however, redundant skin may make it necessary to remove skin at the same time. Please consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon.
The fat removed by liposuction is permanently gone but skin behaves separately and may loosen when the supporting fat is removed. For this reason the results of liposuction for double chin in younger patients gives excellent, long lasting results but in older patients with less elastic skin there may be an aging effect that would require face lifting in addition to the liposuction.