Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

How long does overbite surgery take?

I will have an overbite surgery. How long does overbite surgery take?

6 Answers

That question is best answered by your orthodontist and surgeon. Average might be two years in orthodontics, surgery, the post op healing about three months or so. It’s best to be patient and not rush the treatment!
It depends on the type surgery. The best thing is to ask all the questions you have to the doctor before you get the surgery. The whole complete procedure including your food intake and chewing.
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Corrective jaw surgery may involve a combination of upper jaw (maxilla) and/or lower jaw (mandible) surgery. Furthermore, depending on the nature of your existing and desired esthetics, chin reduction or "augmentation" procedures may be performed at the same time. That being said, the surgery can be as short as <1 hour but may take up to 3-5 hours depending on the complexity of your case.
The time required to perform surgery to correct an overbite will depend upon several factors which may include, but are not limited to:

-Surgery performed on one jaw, or both jaws?

-Segmental surgery in the upper jaw, if the upper jaw is constricted and needs to be expanded.

-Additional surgery performed in the lower jaw, genioplasty (chin surgery)

-Experience of the surgeon and surgical technique utilized
The procedure takes 1-3 hours depending on exactly what steps are being performed. You can expect a 2-4-day hospital stay after the surgery.
The procedure takes 1-3 hours depending on exactly what steps are being performed. You can expect a 2-4-day hospital stay after the surgery.