Neurologist Questions Neurologist

How long is a hospital stay after brain aneurysm surgery?

I will have brain aneurysm surgery. How long is a hospital stay after brain aneurysm surgery?

2 Answers

After an uncomplicated aneurysm repair the usual hospital stay is 1-2 days
Recovery time after brain surgery for an aneurysm naturally depends on multiple factors like complications from surgery or any health conditions that may increase risk for bleed etc. However, in my experience with this surgery, I have seen patients go home from the hospital after just a few days.

For instance, I was called in on a Mothers Day Sunday to repair an imminent rupture of a brain aneurysm. The operation was a success and the patient was young so she was actually discharged by Wednesday of the same week. However, expect recovery at home to continue for at least 6 - 8 weeks.

Hope this helps!

Metaphors be with you.

Courtney Allen-Gentry, MSN,RN,PHN,AHN-BC
is an Advanced Holistic Public Health Nurse, Coach, Psychic and Medical Medium, Independent Nurse Scholar, Educator, Advocate and Author.
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