“How long is recovery after a root canal?”
I will have a root canal. How long is recovery after a root canal?
4 Answers
The recovery time is dependent on patient, infection of the tooth, how the surgery went etc. Majority of the time, 2 weeks in normal but it can take up to 6 months to heal.
Recovery is sometimes immediate. A posterior tooth with 4 or 5 nerves can take a few hours to complete leaving the patient fatigued and the tmj tender. Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
Good question! Most of the time there is no recovery needed. However if you are a grinder or clencher you may feel ongoing pain for up to a year! Take Tylenol or Advil or both for pain. Get a sleep study if you grind because it may be that you have sleep apnea Your BreatheSleepDoc, Simi Silver, DDS www.silverdentalcentre.com www.TMJSleepCentre.ca