Pathologist Questions Pathologist

How long is thc detectable in the blood?

I want to know long is thc detectable in the blood?

Female | 25 years old

2 Answers

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) stays in the system for approximately three to four months (3-4 m). Now, the side effects of THC are altered senses, changes in mood, altered sense of time, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, hallucinations, at high doses, delusion as well as other changes. These are the short-term changes. Chronic effects are exacerbation of psychotic symptoms, neurocognitive impairments, cardiovascular and respiratory and other diseases. Also, can causes schizophrenia. Thank you.
Not sure, maybe a day? Best to check in urine. Can be there for a month.

RB Thomas, MD