Acupuncturist Questions Acupunturist

How many acupuncture sessions are needed for tennis elbow?

I have tennis elbow and want to treat it. How many acupuncture sessions are needed for tennis elbow?

19 Answers

It will depend on how your body responds to the treatment
I think about 12 times acupuncture treatment^^
Thanks for the question!
It is depending on how long you have the pain.
If you have the pain 1 year, might be needed at least 12 times.
But if the pain less then 1month , maybe one or two treatments.
It is really case by case.
Hope it is enough for your question.
The first step in determining an appropriate course of treatments is to have an evaluation/consultation.
Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, the answer is it depends. Acupuncture is customized to the patient and the duration of treatment is based upon patient constitution and feedback. I would advise scheduling at least 5 appointments as close together as possible. This usually allows the patient to show some progress and gives the practitioner an idea of how well the patient responds to the medicine. I hope this at least gives you a little clarity in regards to your inquiry. Please let me know if I may further assist you. - Dr. Hallie OGorman
It depends on the severity of the tennis elbow, it could be 3 sessions or it could be 12. Everyone responds to acupuncture differently so it is good to schedule yourself 4-6 treatments to start and then see what happens. Might take more, might take less. Good luck! ~Rebecca
Hi, it depends. If it is a short medical history, you might need 4-6 sessions. But if it is a long medical concern, you might need more sessions with regular treatments. Thank you.
It depends on the severity of your tennis elbow. For less severe cases it could be around 10 sessions. For more severe tennis elbow it could take more sessions, possibly combined with massage and herbs.
4 treatments per year of a problem is a general rule.
It depends on the individual - how intense the pain is, how long it has been and your body's response to the treatment. There is no set number of treatments that can be applied for everyone. So, why not give a try?
I think 4-5 sessions will be enough for tennis elbow.
it depends, sometimes 1 works, sometimes it is 5-15 treatments. Also sometimes it is more, it depends on what is going on and many other factors
I always recommend 12 to equalize energy in all 12 meridians. Read more here:
I would expect to see some results (reduction in pain levels) within first 3 treatments... impossible to predict (which the almost zero information you have given me about the patient) anything further with reasonable accuracy.
Results vary depending on each individual case. Typically, we re-evaluate after six sessions.
The answer to that can vary vastly. The extent of the injury, how long it as been going on, how often and heavily you use that muscle... I always go with six consecutive sessions (once per week), to see how you respond to acupuncture, and then we can more accurately assess timing.
Zero. Acupuncture has shown to have little to no lasting effect for tennis elbow. Most research demonstrates poor postural control and over-use are the main causes of "tennis elbow." Tennis elbow is typically a nerve tension issue and could be the result of problems higher up the chain (i.e. cervical spine). The best advice would be to rest it for a couple of days and schedule an appointment to see a board certified, physical therapist.
Unfortunately, no one can answer that question. It will undoubtedly require a series of treatments and things to do at home like wearing a brace and icing the area.
Unfortunately, questions like this are nearly impossible to answer. I've been studying and practicing acupuncture for more than 20 years and in that time I've noticed people tend to fall into 4 buckets when it comes to treatment.
There is about 5% of the population doesn't respond to acupuncture. This is a fairly stable statistic across multiple studies. The problem is there's no test we can give people to predict, in advance, whether or not they're in this 5%.
The other 95% fall out as follows:
There's a chunk of people who will notice changes in their situation from the first needle. These folks tend to require fewer treatment sessions overall to resolve their issue or bring things to a maintenance level. They often also require less maintenance relative to other patients.
There's another chunk of people who won't notice any changes the day of treatment, but they will notice changes the following day. As might be imagined, these folks require a moderate amount of treatment to bring their issue to resolution or maintenance. They also might require a shorter maintenance interval than the first group above.
There's a third chunk of people who won't notice any changes the day of treatment or any changes the following day. It might take 3-5 treatments before they start to notice their situation changing or improving. These folks take quite a bit of time to bring their issue to resolution or maintenance. They also have a fairly short maintenance interval.
Which of these 4 are you? I don't know. No one knows. The only way to find out is to try acupuncture and see where you end up. Be prepared to attend at least 3 and probably more like 5 sessions before you make any decisions about whether or not acupuncture is working.