“How often is dental cleaning recommended?”
I had a dental cleaning 3 months ago. How often is dental cleaning recommended?
11 Answers
Dental cleanings are generally recommended every six months, but this can vary based on individual oral health needs and risk factors.
Dental cleaning frequency depends on the condition of your gums and is affected by hygiene and various oral and periodontal and other health issues. Please discuss with your Dentist.
A 6-month check-up and x-ray once a year. If you have periodontal issues or gum disease recommend 3 months unless your dentist or hygenist recommends otherwise.
It really depends on your ability to maintain oral hygiene. Some people may need a cleaning every 3 months. Generally, adults should get their cleanings somewhere between 3 and 6 months depending on their circumstances to avoid excessive tartar build-up and gum disease.
Most people require a cleaning and check up every six months, if you suffer from periodontal disease or get an excessive amount of buildup, a 3 or 4 month recall may be more appropriate.
Over the past 40 years, I have seen patients stay healthier when they have cleanings every 3 to 6 months. Depends on the periodontal health and status of home care which changes periodically.
For a healthy mouth, we recommend cleanings every 6 months. With a history of gum disease, we recommend cleanings every 3-4 months.
For most adults one dental cleaning every six months is recommended. However, if you are someone that builds calculus rapidly you would probably need to have a cleaning every four months. If you have gum disease a dental cleaning every three months is recommended.
Dental cleanings are recommended every 6 months , however In patients with periodontal disease sometimes we recommend periodontal maintenance every 3-4 months .
It depends on the condition of your mouth and gums, your oral hygiene and your medical health. Some medical conditions necessitate more frequent cleanings such as diabetes, heart disease, some auto-immune problems, etc. If your hygiene is average or poor you would probably benefit from more frequent cleanings. (Do you brush along your gumline? Floss or use other interdental cleaners or water flosser? Brush twice a day?) Are your gums healthy? Do they bleed when you brush? Are they flat and stippled like an orange peel or are they a little puffy, red, sort of shiny? If you have immaculate hygiene and no other problems, yo may need cleanings every 6-12 months. If not, you probably need more frequent cleanings. Please speak to your hygienist and dentist.