“How often should you do acupuncture for weight loss?”
I want to get acupuncture for weight loss. How often should you do acupuncture for weight loss?
18 Answers
Lejla Fazlicic
Along with effective diet plan that is addressing hormonal aspect twice a week for 12 weeks.
Good luck
Good luck
For weight loss you need to correct your diet. Acupuncture, combined with herbs, and sometimes massage, can help you relieve your weight gradually. You will need 2-3 sessions a week for 4-8 weeks to see results. I suggest you combine with a diet.
Although different acupuncture practitioners recommend different levels and lengths of treatment, if you plan on losing 10 to 15 pounds, having *several treatments a week for six to eight weeks* is a common program. The number of visits each week might taper off as the program progresses.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
This question depends on whether you are receiving Chinese herbs and nutritional consultation, as well as your practitioner's preferences. I would do 2x weekly and weekly after the first week if just doing acupuncture.
Generally, I approach weight loss in supporting you through the lifestyle changes required to lose weight. Treatments for reducing sugar cravings, improving digestion, supporting more activity and use of the joints can all greatly assist in your journey. Weekly appointments for the first few weeks and then stepping it down to every other week as your new lifestyle habits because, well, habits and you don't have to work as hard to maintain them. Congratulations on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle and I wish you all the best!
It depends on the diet the patient is on, and how much the patient exercises daily. Acupuncture just helps from the side, though it does work.
There are good herbal formulas from trained holistic medical providers that should be specialized for the patient. It is best to also first treat the liver with biotherapeutic drainage as part of a weight loss protocol, as the liver is very much involved with the way that insulin is utilized in the body. Acupuncture alone would not be sufficient to deal with weight loss.
Twice a week, or at least once a week. We will apply needle, moxa, dietary supplement etc to address weight gain. Each case is different, so please check https://alpha-acupuncture.com/ for more information.
at least once a week, up to 3 times a week until you get the results you are looking for. You will also need to make some lifestyle and nutritional changes
I would say regular weekly sessions can help, along with dietary suggestions, and addressing any other contributing factors.
If your acupuncturist has protocols for weight loss, they will tell you how many visits you'll need. We all have our own methods and specialties.