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How often should you have a colonoscopy if polyps are found?

I was diagnosed with colon polyps. How often should you have a colonoscopy if polyps are found?

5 Answers

It certainly depends on what the polyps are, based on the pathology report. If they are benign then you can likely have a repeat colonoscopy in about 3 to 5 years but if they did come back concerning for possible cancer you may need yearly or even every 6-month colonoscopy
The timing of the next colonoscopy depends on the size, number, and characteristics of the polyps removed. Small left-sided hyperplastic polyps do not need to follow up all things considered so 10 years, as usual, is fine. Small tubular adenomata if solitary and if a negative family history of colon cancer probably can wait for 5 to 10 years ( why such a wide interval.? Data not totally clear) large tubular adenomata, all villous adenomata, and all serrated adenomata require to follow up in 1 to 3 years. Your gastroenterologist and you should discuss you're follow-up based on your personal and family history and your particular polyps including their location, right-sided polyps being a greater threat.
Every 3-5 years or sooner. It depends how precancerous the polyps were.
Please check with your endoscopist as it depends on several factors such as pathology, number and size of the polyps, nature of the prep if it was clean enough for an adequate exam, and personal and family history.
It depends on the number, the size, and the type of polyp. For example, if a single 5-10 mm tubular adenoma is found, then the recommendation is to repeat a colonoscopy in 5-7 years, per the current guidelines, which are based on the available published literature.