Dental Hygienist Questions Implant Dentistry

How should I prepare for implant surgery?

I will have dental implant surgery. How should I prepare for implant surgery?

4 Answers

You'll likely be instructed not to eat or drink anything for several hours before the procedure. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Avoid clothing with tight collars or buttons that can cause discomfort during the procedure. Brush your teeth as usual, but avoid using mouthwash or toothpaste with a strong flavor.
No preparation needed
Depends on your medical conditions. Please confirm with your dentist.Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device
Have a stash of soft foods at home. If you would hear it when you chew it, you should not bite it over the new implant . When they recommend toothbrushing, am extra soft toothbrush is good. Plan to relax the day of the surgery. Going to the gym would be a bad idea for a few days