Hospitalist Questions Hepatologist

How to manage liver problems?

Good evening, my spouse is in the hospital for complications with gallstones and her liver. But the doctors won’t tell us anything helpful. But they just keep mentioning her bio levels are high (4.9). Can you tell me what that means?

2 Answers

It can mean many different conditions and only those doctors who are treating your spouse will have all the information that you’re trying to get. Hope your spouse is better now.
I think you mean “bili.” As in bilirubin. But there’s a direct and indirect Billy Rubin level as well as a hepatic function as well as pancreatic enzymes that are all quite relevant in a work-up as well as ultrasound, maybe even a gallbladder ejection fraction if you can’t tell if there are stones, a multitude of procedures at someone’s hand, especially if they’re in the hospital. Meaning nothing more than they're immediately available at a time when they’re scheduled. A lot faster than an outpatient procedure. If you review the labs, go back over it. I’m more than happy to go over them and explain them to you or you can ask her provider for the information and someone to explain it to you about what means white and why are the levels still elevated. Is there a pancreatic tumor that’s causing the issue? I pray that’s not the case, but if it’s gallstones and there are still issues, then there’s a problem.

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD