Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Hypertension with elevated creatinine?

I am an American living in Japan, 36 years old. I have had headaches and occasional migraines for years, but they have become more frequent in recent years. I end up shaking and nauseous, not feeling better until I vomit and rest. This has happened to me at work several times. The last time (September 8) I left work early to go to a doctor. My blood pressure was 151/117 and the doctor immediately prescribed me 100mg Irbesartan. My mother informed me that almost everyone in our family has high blood pressure and takes medication and I’ll likely have to take medication forever.

So far I’ve experienced some side effects such as gas and bloating and a sensitive stomach. It seems to be getting better slowly. I recently started researching interactions since the doctor didn’t ask me about my diet or anything. I take Alive! Multivitamin Gummies. I noticed they contain iodine. I was worried this may interact with my medication. I also remembered that on my previous health checks my creatinine levels have been slowly increasing. I didn’t have my health check last year due to covid worries, but I’m scheduled for this December. I was reading that chitosan may help lower creatinine levels. Would it be okay for me to try it? Is my multivitamin okay to continue taking daily? I’m concerned about my kidney health. I’m often stressed and tired and I wonder if creatinine and hypertension are a factor in my anxiety issues.

Female | 36 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: Irbesartan 100mg
Conditions: Hypertension (recently diagnosed)

1 Answer

Sorry, but I will have you talk to your primary. Do not know much about Chitosan. From what you claim as to your creatinine increasing, that would be concerning for possible kidney disease, which in turn can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure). Talk to your primary about this and if not comfortable treating this, have them refer you to a kidney specialist (Nephrologist ). Make sure you hydrate well and, if taking high protein content nutritional supplements, cut back until you get the kidney/creatinine issue sorted out and resolved.

Dr. F