Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions Nightmares

I always fall into a deep sleep, but sometimes I experience nightmares. Is this normal?

When I fall asleep, it's usually deep and I don't hear anything. I would sleep my life away if I could. It’s like I die when I sleep and no alarm wakes me up. I do suffer with disassociation when I am awake, and do have strange or frightening dreams where I wake up screaming. But otherwise I sleep for 10 hours. Is this normal?

Complaint duration: Years
Medications: Ventolin sabicot anti histamines prorocsotine
Conditions: Depression asthma

6 Answers

Sleeping more than 8-9 hours is not usually normal. Frightening dreams can happen
Nightmares are thought processes that linger from daytime events/experiences. The ability to remember them depends if you wake up during one of them. There are NREM and REM (vivid) dreams. Antihistaminic agents and many other meds affect sleep stages and some worsen sleep pathology such as sleep apnea. People with pathological sleep, nonrestorative, make up by sleeping longer hours. Is your depression treated and have you had a sleep study?
You may have Non REM related sleep disorder. You need to discuss with your sleep physician.
Nightmares are just dreams. If it's really causing disruption, then a sleep evaluation by a sleep physician may help.
You will need further evaluation to rule out sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, hypersomnia conditions. Please consult your sleep physician. Maintain healthy lifestyle habits and good sleep hygiene.
Sometimes nocturnal asthmatic episodes could present as different types of parasominas, and nightmares is one of them. You may want to talk to a sleep physician.