OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Maternal & Fetal Medicine Questions OB-GYN

I am 5 weeks pregnant with light spotting with tiny clots?

I'm 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and I'm experiencing some spotting that is a pinkish color and appears to have a few tiny clots in it, sometimes. I already had what I believed to be implantation bleeding at around 4 weeks, so this may be something different, is it possible that this a second implantation bleeding of a twin? I don't recall the initial implantation bleeding having these tiny clots, so I'm curious if I need an immediate doctor visit? I'm also experiencing mild cramps, not always on one side, which I heard is normal, and the pinkish color of the spotting is reassuring that it may be normal, but I'd love a medical professional's opinion. Thanks!

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: prenatal vitamin, vitamin D3

1 Answer

Bleeding with clots of any size is not a good sign, esp when it occurs together with cramping, it usually implies the pregnancy is not going well. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible and get both your Progesterone level and your HCG quantitative level checked; they may also wish to ultrasound you to be certain that you have a viable pregnancy. Small blood clots can happen when the placenta tries to implant over a previous C-section scar, or over a fibroid that is internal and on the inside surface of the uterus. Yes, it could be implantation bleeding but again, clotting is not usual. It could even mean a possible ectopic as it would be growing in the tube and that can cause significant trouble.