OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I am confused about my pregnancy?

I have a question regarding how many weeks I am. I was initially scanned in the ER at 9 weeks with the expectation that the second fetus (measuring at 7 weeks) would not be vital. I was scanned by OB a few days later and it was said that the second GS was even smaller. I was then measured again at 12 weeks to confirm the second fetus was fine. I have since moved and the new OB is saying I am not at 14 weeks I am between 16-17 weeks. I am confused as to who is right and how could the first 2 doctors get the age wrong.

Female | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 0
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

There is really no way to know without looking at all of the labs, period data and ultrasound data directly – the best recommendation is to have a conversation with your current doctor to understand your dating. It may be that you are measuring further along but are still at 14 weeks (pregnancies will often measure bigger or smaller than the true estimated gestational age, the gestational age never changes but the babies measuring bigger or smaller than the estimated gestational age can change.