Psychiatrist Questions Psychologist

I am feeling depressed after having a stillbirth?

I am a female 31 years old. The medication I am taking is docusate sodium, ibuprofen. I had a baby 8 weeks ago and he was stillborn which he was already dead inside me. I went to the doctor on my 6-week post up and she said that I had high depression. I just want to know what I should do.

Female | 31 years old

6 Answers

I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. You should talk to your OB/GYN about getting on an antidepressant. The reason for this is symptom management so that the brain chemical piece does not get worse. You want to then find a therapist that you can work with who can help you get through this time in your life. I have no way of knowing how old this post is, but I hope everything works out for you.
Talk therapy can really help with that.
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Please see your doctor and start treatment for depression as soon as possible.
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I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like some counseling may be indicated to address depression and loss.
Post-partum depression needs to be treated by a psychiatrist and a psychologist.