Physical Therapist Questions Exercise

I have a 12 hour desk job and my body feels very stiff by the end of the day. Please suggest some desk exercises.

I have a nearly 12 hour job wherein I am in front of the computer most of the time. My body feels very stiff and tired by the end of the day. Please suggest some desk exercises that I can do on a regular basis to relieve my body of this stiffness.

3 Answers

Please try to get a stand-up desk and keep an alarm to make you get up and move at least every 55 min. Some of the exercises could be gentle neck movements, shoulder mobility flexibility and extension, marching in place, ankle pumps.... There are a lot, but get started with these first.


Dr. Ramky Kavaserry, DPT
any exercises will help. Do whatever you like to do best
Our bodies are designed to move. Every 30 minutes or so, just stand up and sit down a couple of times, reach overhead and back. Every 2 hours, get up and walk around the desk. There are a number of good "desk stretches" on the internet.