Family Medicine Questions Family Practitioner

I have a low grade fever after the flu shot?

I received the flu shot on Wednesday 9/22/21. It's now Saturday 9/25/21. I have had a fever off and on with a headache since. The highest that I have measured has been 101. Do I need to go to the doctor? I have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna back in May. I have not lost my taste or smell. Should I get tested as a precaution?

Female | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: Tylenol
Conditions: Fever and headache

3 Answers

When you receive any vaccine, it needs to be "processed" by your body. Most vaccines have 1-2 days of inflammation from this (low grade fever, body aches, fatigue, etc) This keeps your immune system busy for a few days. If your body is working at protecting you from a low grade infection when you are vaccinated, the infection wins and you get sick. You probably have an atypical bacterial infection. If it persists, you need to see a doctor.
No, she does not need to be seen for that. Just treat the symptoms with Tylenol or Aspirin and it should go away in a matter of days. Not to worry.

Best regards,

Dr. Miranda
Just take Tylenol Q4H for fever and head ache as needed.